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right coronary artery中文是什么意思

用"right coronary artery"造句"right coronary artery"怎么读"right coronary artery" in a sentence"right coronary artery"的同义词


  • 右冠状动脉


  • Effect of l - arginine on arrhythmia induced by ischemia , reperfusion of right coronary artery in rabbits
  • The patient underwent emergent cardiac surgery to repair the aortic wall and bypass the proximal portion of right coronary artery ( rca )
  • Msct had a low sensitiity for detecting lesions in the left circumflex artery ( 59 % ) and in the right coronary artery ( 52 % ) , the inestigators note
    研究者表示,多层螺旋ct对于检测出冠状动脉左回旋支和右冠状动脉的损伤情况灵敏度较低,前者仅有59 % ,而后者也只有52 % 。
  • Here we report a patient who had a giant aneurysm - like right coronary artery resulting from a fistula terminating in the coronary sinus and another fistula arising from the circumflex artery
  • Supersonic and enchanted the graph still can show main force of left , right coronary artery directly , left before fall , near side of zun xuanwen is carried , do not have local stricture in order to hint antrum of coronary artery canal has , tube wall has without add thick , calcify
用"right coronary artery"造句  


  • arises from the right aortic sinus; supplies the right side of the heart


The right coronary artery (RCA) is an artery originating above the right cusp of the aortic valve. It travels down the right atrioventricular groove, towards the crux of the heart.
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